Jennifer James: "How to Forgive and 'Let it go' When you Have Been Wronged"
Jennifer is a published author, marriage and family therapist, popular public speaker, a convert and active member of the LDS Church, and a single, divorced mom of three daughters. Her books “In Flight With Broken Wings” (Cedar Fort, 2003) and the revised edition “Latter-day Divorce and Beyond: Surviving Singlehood” (Cedar Fort, 2006) have helped thousands heal after experiencing the trauma of divorce. “It’s not just the trauma of divorce we must endure, but the trauma of feeling completely disenfranchised by our culture, afterwards, when we need help and support the most. Making that distinction for ourselves, between the cultural expectations and the principles of sound Gospel practices, is essential.” Jennifer experienced divorce after her 20 year temple marriage shattered. She is the single-mom of three accomplished, active temple endowed LDS adult daughters whom she is very proud of. Jennifer is a veteran of 26 LDS singles conferences and numerous firesides and Women’s Conferences around the USA, from Anchorage, Alaska to Washington DC. Passionate about LDS singles issues, Jennifer is a sought-after interview on radio, TV and print and was recently featured in the PBS series “Utah Conversations with Ted Capener” broadcast by KUED-TV in Salt Lake City. Her episode and blog can be seen on her discussed with Ted the challenges of being single and divorced in the LDS Church and tried to “hasten the call” to educate the public on the needs of this marginalized population, along with stressing pre-marriage relationship education for those who wish to apply for marriage licenses in the state.

As a clinical researcher, Jennifer is currently working on two other books about relationships: “Rules of Remarriage” and “The Seven Deadly Enemies of Relationship.” She has served in private practice and worked for years as a marriage and family counselor with LDS Family Services. Jennifer created the first relationship seminars for singles, which she is reviving and bringing to the Salt Lake area. Jennifer is considered an advocate in dating and singles issues in the LDS community, and desires all to have enough relationship “education” to know what makes a good relationship work well so that people can date safely and partner successfully. She’s written two articles that are featured on the dating website “” In private practice she has had many success stories of couples who applied correct principles and now lead happy, mutually fulfilled marriages. Her goals are to help singles (whether never married, divorced or widowed) find complete acceptance, belonging, and be recognized as important contributors inside a culture that tends to operate as a “married Church.” In her relationship seminars she helps singles navigate the weird world of LDS dating, discussing important issues of integrity, communication, healing of past trauma and stabilizing of self-worth to prepare for that “mission, plan and destiny” each unique single Latter-day Saint has.
At the conference she plans to speak one of the chapters in her book, "Latter Day Divorce and Beyond: Surviving Singlehood" about forgiveness and letting go when you've been the wronged party.
Visit her website and follow her singles blog at and contact her through email at Purchase her book at