Kurt and Cynthia Pedrotty: "Turning Grief Into Growth Through Jesus Christ After Divorce"
We are Kurt and Cynthia Pedrotty. We currently live in ABQ, NM and have been happily married for the past two years. Together we have a beautiful blended family: Matthew,9; Dilynn,6; Camila, 4 and our little Madison, 1. We went through divorce and experienced life as single parents before we met each other. We will be speaking at the conference about our journeys, how we were able to turn our grief and pain into enabling hope in Jesus Christ and in his promised blessings. We will share what we have learned about healing and become whole again after divorce.

We have experienced a deeper love and connection in our current marriage than in anything before. We attribute this to the lessons we learned from our difficult divorce experiences, the power of the atonement in healing our broken hearts, the changes we were able to make in our lives to improve ourselves, and the Lord's promised blessings leading us to each other at the right time.
We felt inspired to create and organize this conference as a way to give back to the Lord for the wonderful blessings we now enjoy. We chose to include the scripture "...and I will still bless you" as part of or our conference's title because after experiencing divorce and broken dreams it's so hard to truly believe that He will still bless us with a future healthy and lasting marriage But, that is exactly what he desires for all of us and that is what He has in stored for you if you take the steps necessary to heal and let him shape and guide your life.
This is the conference we wish we would have had after our divorces, when everything looked and seemed hopeless and endless. We want to show you the light at the end of your tunnels and testify to you that God knows you and loves you. He will still bless you and the blessings that await you are far greater blessings than you can possibly imagine or understand in your present circumstances. We want to show you a glimpse of what is ahead and the happiness and joy you can have if you let Him heal you and guide your lives.
We will focus our workshop on the scriptural theme of the conference:
"And I hold forth and deign to give unto you greater riches, even a land of promise, a land flowing with milk and honey, upon which there shall be no curse when the Lord cometh. And I will give it unto you for the land of your inheritance, if you seek it with all your hearts. And this shall be my covenant with you, ye shall have it for the land of your inheritance, and for the inheritance of your children forever, while the earth shall stand, and ye shall possess it again in eternity, no more to pass away." D&C 38:18-20
We will also share the challenges we faced as a single parents, the lessons we learned from dating after our divorces and how we learned to trust and believe in love again by strengthening our relationship with the Lord. We will share the goals and choices we made that prepared us to meet each other and be able to build a happy and healthy marriage together.