Karen R. Trifiletti: "My Times Are in Thy Hand"
Karen R. Trifiletti, M.A. is mother of two beautiful daughters, the second married two weeks ago! She loves froyo, long walks and talks at twilight, reading, and swimming, and her home away from home is the temple.
Karen is a writer and developer for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. One of her recent projects involved co-writing the content for female spouses of individuals addicted to pornography—for the Church website, OvercomingPornography.org.

Karen coaches and helps women who’ve suffered from betrayal or relational trauma, to find healing through Jesus Christ, and is currently writing a book for women on that subject. Karen has Masters and Doctoral studies in Human Development, and will shortly be a certified APSATS (trauma) instructor as well.
Her desire is to help women move through the wilderness to the promised land of peace and power and plenty anywhere, anytime, under any circumstance, through the grace, power, and atoning sacrifice of Jesus Christ, and his restored gospel. Karen would love to hear from you! She is reachable at 801.361.7571.