Sunshine Wheeler" "Finding Beauty Within the Ashes"

Sunshine lives in Parker, Colorado with her three young children, and is a devout member of the LDS faith. After the passing of her husband, Matt to Melanoma Cancer in 2015, Sunshine shares powerfully her story of faith, acceptance, and trust in the Lord and in His timing. Since the passing of her husband, Sunshine has seen tremendous success working with families who are dealing with and facing final stages of terminal cancer. Her ability to intimately connect with others has allowed those that she has worked with to prepare, heal and transform their lives during the grieving process, as well as create a deep and more meaningful connection with the Lord and those beyond the veil.
When we received the news that my husband’s cancer was terminal, I felt strongly that I wasn’t supposed to exercise faith that he could be healed, but to have the faith that the time was at hand to where I needed to let him go. I began to counsel with the Lord so that I could prepare my family for that sacred reunion that was about to take place. Through that process my eyes were opened to sacred and precious principles that proved to be an anchor for my family, and became the foundation on how to reframe and move forward in my life.
In this class we will learn about the eternal purposes that are connected to our trials and how certain blessings are only available through those trials we experience.