Chelsea Loss: "Embracing your Truth in the Tumult of Change"

As a Creative Life Coach, Chelsea has seen tremendous success working with men, women, and children from all walks of life. Her deep understanding of the creative process has empowered those she works with to create what they envision and align to joy and fulfillment in all areas of their own lives. Chelsea assists her clients through the strategies of art/visual expression, psychological-maturation therapy (therapeutic visualization), emotional re-balancing/release tools, and energetic synchronization techniques to maximize emotional, cognitive and lifestyle results.As a gifted advisor, Chelsea has seen tremendous success working with men, women, and children from all walks of life. Her gift in the assistance of others has allowed those she works with to heal, transform, create what they envision, and align to joy and fulfillment. Her clients gain therapeutic support through the strategies of psychological-maturation therapy (therapeutic visualization), emotional re-balancing/release tools, energetic synchronization techniques, and trauma recovery to maximize emotional, cognitive and lifestyle results.
Workshop Description:
In my experience, divorce felt like every aspect of my current life got turned upside down on a dime. I found myself redefining and rebuilding every facet of life, down to my very identity. Amidst the changes of divorce, we face the inevitable shift in various aspects of our lives, from dating, to our careers, to our role and purpose of existing. In this class, we will learn to find the freedom of honoring ourselves in our new situation of life, in all situations and aspects of our new life.