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Divorced Saints
Turning Grief into Growth Through Jesus Christ

"...and I will still bless you"
Turning Grief into Growth Through Jesus Christ
Salt Lake City, UT
June 23, 2018

The Conference
A Day Full of Powerful and Inspiring
Talks and Workshops
June 23rd, 2018
9:00 am
Divorced members of the church often find themselves rebuilding and redefining their lives and identities, with few places to turn to for guidance and support. The purpose of this conference is to provide a place where divorced saints can come together and find the support, inspiration and guidance they are looking for.
Our workshops and speakers will address the following questions:
How can I go back to dating in the church when I feel different, judged and unwelcome?
How do I allow myself to be vulnerable again and open my heart to new relationships and love?
How do I help my kids cope with divorce?
How can I better budget and save as a single parent? What are the best "work-from-home" opportunities for single parents?
How can I develop better relationships with my church leaders when I don't feel they know or understand my needs? How can I get involved with my ward family when I feel "different" from other families there?
How can music help in my healing and rebuilding process?
How can healthy eating and fitness help in my healing and rebuilding process?
How do I renew my faith and hope in Jesus Christ when I feel let down in my pleadings to save my marriage?
How do I move on and set goals for the future that will reignite meaning and happiness in my life?
Whether your divorce was recent, or you have been divorced for many years, the purpose of this conference is to help you find answers to these questions and other concerns you may have. Most of our speakers have been where you are, and know first hand your needs and challenges. They will share with you what they have learned from their own journeys, grief and rediscovery. They will share what sustained them through their hardest moments, as well as methods and efforts that helped them turn to the Savior and thereby become who they are today.
You will leave this conference with answers, renewed resolve and skills to help you navigate life's challenges with increased faith and vigor. You will learn techniques that help foster healthy relationships, built to withstand the storms of life through a foundation established upon The Gospel of Jesus Christ. Indeed, the Savior's ministry demonstrates that He is far less concerned with where we have been, and far more concerned with where we are going. It is in this spirit that we join together for a conference geared towards tomorrow, and turning grief into growth through our Redeemer, Jesus Christ.
We hope you can join us and help spread the word!
The Conference

Saturday, June 23rd
What the day of the conference will be like?
Our conference will feature keynote speakers, a variety of workshops to meet your interest and needs, and a special musical fireside by LDS singer, Melissa Burke Termini.
Below you can see a general schedule for the day. We will send a more detailed conference schedule to our participants a few weeks before the conference.
8:50-9:00: Conference Check-in time
9:00-9:40 Conference Organizers: Cynthia and Kurt Pedrotty "Turning Grief Into Growth Through Jesus Christ after Divorce"
9:40-10:20 Workshop Sessions
10:30-11:10 Workshop Sessions
11:20-12:00 Keynote Speaker: McLean Taylor "The Wine Press"
12:00-1:00 Pizza Lunch/"Speed Meeting" activity (optional)
1:00-1:40 Workshop Sessions
1:50-2:30 Workshop Sessions
2:40-3:20 Keynote Speaker: Molly Clair "The Happy Single Parent"
3:20-4:10 Musical Performance by LDS Singer Melissa Termini
4:10-4:50 Final Speaker: Jennifer James "How to Forgive and 'Let it Go' When You Have Been Wronged"
4:50-5:00 Mix and Mingle
This conference is free! The Stake Center where the conference will be held is located a few blocks from Temple Square and City Creek with great food choices available. For those of you interested in meeting other participants at the conference, one of our speakers will be leading a fun "Speed Meeting" activity during lunch time. If you are interested in participating in the "Speed Meeting" lunch activity we will be collecting $3 for Pizza and drinks when you check in.
We are still able to add more workshops, so if you have a special need or interest that we are not addressing or would like to speak and lead a particular workshop let us know!
See below for information about some our current speakers and the workshops they will be offering at the conference.

Speakers and Workshops

RSVP! See you soon!
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